Derechos Fundamentales del Acusado en el Proceso Penal
Derechos Fundamentales del Acusado en el Proceso Penal Estar involucrado en un proceso penal como acusado puede ser una experiencia estresante y confusa. Es importante conocer cuáles son tus derechos fundamentales en este proceso para poder ejercerlos. Derecho a la presunción de inocencia Este es quizás el derecho más importante. Significa que sos inocente hasta […]
read moreEl Consentimiento Informado en Operaciones Encubiertas de Drogas
Si has oído hablar del consentimiento informado en operaciones encubiertas de drogas y te preguntas de qué se trata, ¡has llegado al lugar indicado! En este artículo, vamos a adentrarnos en este tema para que puedas comprenderlo mejor. ¿Qué es el consentimiento informado en operaciones encubiertas de drogas? El consentimiento informado en operaciones encubiertas de […]
read moreIf I Kidnap Someone Across State Lines is it a Federal Crime?
Is Kidnapping Across State Lines a Federal Crime? Kidnapping is scary stuff. Like, if someone takes you from your home or work or wherever, forces you into a car, and drives you somewhere far away against your will? That’s terrifying. And traumatic. The legal term is “unlawfully confining someone against their will,” but let’s call […]
read moreDo Federal Arson Charges Lead to Prison Time?
Do Federal Arson Charges Lead to Prison Time? When it comes to federal arson charges, the short answer is yes – these charges often result in prison time if convicted. Let’s take a closer look at what kinds of penalties you might face. Federal Laws on Arson There are a few key federal laws […]
read moreWhen do federal judges issue arrest warrants?
When Do Federal Judges Issue Arrest Warrants? When Can a Federal Judge Issue an Arrest Warrant? There are rules about when judges can issue arrest warrants under the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment protects us from unreasonable searches and seizures. Arrests are considered seizures of the person. So judges can’t just issue arrest warrants whenever […]
read more18 U.S.C. § 1591 – Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud or coercion
Let’s start by acknowledging a very real fear: being investigated or charged under [18 U.S.C. § 1591 (Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or coercion)] can feel terrifying and overwhelming. You might be struggling with questions like, “How did I even get here?” or, “What does this law really mean for my future?” […]
read moreSNAP Civil Money Penalty
SNAP Civil Money Penalty: What You Need to Know Introduction Facing a SNAP Civil Money Penalty can feel overwhelming. You might have just received an official notice from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, and suddenly, the livelihood of your store seems at risk. At Spodek Law Group, we’ve seen how the possibility of a […]
read moreSNAP Administrative Appeals Lawyers
The ability to accept SNAP benefits in your store is one many people rely upon for the success of their businesses. Millions of people use government assistance to purchase food and other necessary items throughout the month to get by, and the stores that carry these items and accept SNAP benefits receive more patronage than […]
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