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Brass Knuckles Real

The Legalities and Realities of Brass Knuckles

Brass knuckles—also called knuckle dusters or knucks—are weapons used in hand-to-hand combat that fit over the knuckles. They’re made of brass or other metals and are designed to increase the force of punches. But what’s the deal with their legality? And how dangerous are they really? Let’s take a look.

The History of Brass Knuckles

Brass knuckles have been around for a surprisingly long time. Some sources trace them back to ancient Rome, where fighters wrapped bands of leather with spikes around their knuckles. But the brass knuckles as we know them today emerged in the late 1800s.
They became popular in the United States in the 20th century. Soldiers and sailors fighting in World War I often carried knucks for use in trench warfare. And they were commonly used by gangsters and criminals in the 1920s through the 1940s.
So in a way, brass knuckles have always had an unsavory reputation as something that’s, well, not quite legal. Which brings us to…

The Legality of Brass Knuckles

Today in the U.S., brass knuckles are illegal in most states. They’re considered a dangerous or deadly weapon, so possessing or carrying them can be a misdemeanor or even felony offense.
But there are a few states where they are legal to own, like Texas and Kentucky. Just don’t carry them around in public or use them to threaten or harm someone—that’s still very illegal.
The legality can also depend on your intention for owning brass knuckles. Like if it’s part of a collection or for decoration, that might be okay. But again, check your state and local laws because there can be exceptions.
When it comes to using brass knuckles in self defense—that’s risky. Even if they’re legal to own where you live, using them could be considered excessive force. And then you might face assault charges. So it’s best to avoid them altogether for self defense.

How Dangerous Are Brass Knuckles?

Okay, so brass knuckles aren’t the most lawful things to own or carry around. But why did they get such a bad rap to begin with?
Well, it’s because they can seriously mess someone up. Those metal knucks concentrate all the force from your punch onto a small area of bone. This increases the odds of breaking bones and causing other major injuries.
According to this medical study, brass knuckle injuries often involve:
Fractured facial bones
Damaged teeth
Laceration wounds
Those injuries above the shoulders can be especially dangerous. Blows to the head and neck area risk brain trauma or damage to major blood vessels. These effects could kill someone or leave them with lifelong disabilities.
And even non-lethal brass knuckle attacks can leave victims with permanent scars or disfigurement. The weapons may be small, but they pack a devastating punch.

The Reality of Brass Knuckle Ownership

Given all this, why do some people still want to own brass knuckles? Well, there are a few reasons…
Collecting. Brass knuckles can be unique, intricate weapons with an intriguing history behind them. So it’s understandable why they appeal to some collectors.
Self Defense. While not the best option, brass knuckles can provide people with a sense of protection. But again, using them even in self defense situations is legally questionable.
Intimidation. Unfortunately, some people want brass knuckles more for attacking or threatening others than actual self defense. They know these weapons instill fear and give them dangerous power.
Curiosity. For better or worse, brass knuckles do have an alluring, badass image in movies and pop culture. And that makes some folks curious enough to seek them out.
So while owning brass knuckles isn’t morally wrong in itself, we have to consider the reasoning behind it. There are people who just find them interesting for their history. But there are also those who want that power to harm others.

Exercising Caution and Responsibility

Like many weapons, brass knuckles themselves aren’t necessarily good or bad—it comes down to how someone uses them. So if you do decide to own knucks (where legal, of course!):
Use them responsibly for collecting, decorative purposes, etc.
Understand both their physical impact and legal implications before buying them
Store them securely away from public access
NEVER use them to threaten, intimidate or harm another person

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