Bronx Deportation Defense Lawyers
Bronx Deportation Defense Lawyers
The Bronx is one New York City’s most vibrant places. This is the only part of New York City that is part of the mainland United States. Over a million people live here. Some of the people who live in this part of the country are not here legally. As such, any encounter with law enforcement officials may trigger all kinds of consequences. A single traffic violation may create a cascade of issues such as deportation. Deportation means that the person must leave the United States. They may be barred for a decade or for even for the rest of their lives. Because the region’s large population, many law enforcement officials are well aware of the kinds of issues that any given migrant may face as a result of immigration system laws. Such laws are well understood by many in the community as well. This is why so many people here realize the importance of a good Bronx deportation defense lawyer.
Varied Kinds of Possibilities
Even after a court request, this does not mean that the person will face automatic deportation. There are still many kinds of options that may be possible for each applicant. For example, someone may qualify for what is known as Cancellation of Removal. This is a possibility for Green Card holders and others who have lived in the United States for a certain period of time. If someone can demonstrate that their removal might cause hardship to an American citizen, the deportation order can be cancelled. There are also other options that people may not even know about. A battered non-citizen who is living with someone who has abused her may qualify for the ability to remain in the United States even if that person is violation of American immigration laws. Another law protects people who may be facing a problem with the possibility of physical violence in their lives should they be forced to return home. Other sorts of protections may also be applicable in a given person’s case. A good lawyer is one who is aware of the many kinds of laws that can apply to any person.
The Process

The process of deportation can take a long time. It can also be quite quick. Anyone who is facing such issues should be aware of the kinds of procedures that may apply to them in the aftermath of any sort of arrest. They can face many kinds of law enforcement officials during the process. A local police officer may not be well versed in immigration procedures or may have had many such encounters but chooses not report the person for being in this nation without permission. It’s a good idea to understand just how much discretion is available to the local authorities. They also know the court system well and understand how each judge views certain laws. A judge may decide that the person’s case may need further investigation. The judge may also suggest a specific lawyer to the defendant to help them mount the best possible defense. It’s a good idea to listen carefully to the judge as they can often influence what kind of further actions should be taken in regards to the defendant’s personal circumstances.
Other Defense Options
Each person will have specific issues that may or may not apply to them. For example, someone may decide to leave of their own volition. Doing so can be a good option for someone who wants to avoid a large bill and perhaps has few ties to the United States and the Queens area. In that case, they can simply agree to return home without any kind of financial consequences. The defendant typically agrees to leave within sixty to a hundred and twenty days. In other cases, the person may find out that proper procedures have not been carried out in their case. A good lawyer can help discover any problems with the procedure. If such issues happen, the charges against the person may be dismissed entirely. Thoughtful legal counsel can help anyone decide what they should do as they face Bronx deportation charges. Helpful legal assistance with the entire process of deportation procedures is vitally important when in any Bronx court.
Call Spodek Law Group When Facing Deportation
On TV, radio, internet or print media, people always hear about the need to fix the broken immigration system. While politicians and media pundits debate this issue, many immigrants get lost in the shuffle, even finding themselves vulnerable to deportation. Such a prospect can mean job loss or even family separation so waiting on Congress is not an option. Spodek law group deals with the system as it is, not as we would like it to be. With in-depth knowledge of the statutes, case law and bureaucracies involved in immigration, we assure our clients a full and fair resolution of their residency status.
Who Can Be Deported?
Non-citizens of the United States–including legal permanent residents–are subject to removal from U.S. territory if convicted of certain crimes as enumerated in the Immigration and Nationality Act. Those transgressions include:
- Illegal drug possession or sale
- Sex crimes like prostitution or child pornography
- Theft
- Fraudulent use of credit cards or passports
- Illegal possession of a firearm
- Domestic violence
As demonstrated, the crimes do not have to rise to the level of aggravated felonies (murder, for example) to warrant the penalty of deportation. Conviction of a wide variety of criminal acts can affect immigration status and the eligibility to keep a job. Those found guilty should not assume that jail time or fines paid prevent further action by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Talk to a seasoned attorney before hearing from the government.
How a Lawyer Can Help
Indeed, simply entering the United States when deemed ineligible is viewed as a crime. Yet experienced attorneys have several tools at hand to aid immigrants under threat of removal.
- A waiver of removal is possible if the non-citizen can demonstrate that an unreasonable burden will afflict the immediate family should deportation happen. The likelihood of getting a waiver is higher when the family has lawful permanent residents or actual citizens among its number.
- A suspension of removal proceedings is attainable if–in addition to the extreme hardship criterion previously noted–the applicant can prove continuous residence in the U.S. for seven consecutive years. Also, he or she must present evidence of good moral character.
- A judge may grant an adjustment of status if the immigrant can show a parent, child, widow or marital relationship to a U.S. citizen. If granted, the adjustment confers lawful permanent residency. This does not guarantee that deportation will never again come up; it simply closes the specific case in question.
- Voluntary departure is certainly nobody’s first choice to avoid deportation but it does keep this extreme measure off the record. In so doing, it strengthens the immigrant’s chances of re-entry and legal residency status down the road. In order to receive voluntary departure recognition, the applicant must not be guilty of any aggravated felonies; have the financial means to cover travel expenses; who likewise maintain a history of good moral character; and who leave within the time window established by the immigration judge.
What Next?
Above all, immigrants in danger of deportation should contact an attorney who understands these options (and the others that are available). Immigration lawyers are most effective when long experience is their guide. Spending years before immigration judges; knowing local ICE officials; and understanding the difficulties encountered by non-citizens build competence and excellence in a deportation legal expert. Such professionals are found at the Spodek Law Group. Call us any time for a free and confidential consultation.