Bronx Marijuana Possession Lawyer
Although there are more states legalizing marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes, Bronx laws are still in place for marijuana possession. This is a crime that usually isn’t as severe as other drug crimes, but you could still face paying fines and even spend time in jail depending on your criminal history. If you’re charged with marijuana possession, you’re looking at a misdemeanor in most situations as the drug is classified as a Schedule I. The reason behind this is because marijuana has a high tendency to result in abuse and because it has no medical value if you live in the state of New York.
There is usually a limited use for marijuana that is allowed in the state with several dispensaries that are open. However, the dispensaries are only allowed to sell certain items. If you buy anything from one of these dispensaries, then there are regulations that you must follow while using the drug. The laws surrounding the use of marijuana if it’s legally purchased from a dispensary are similar to what you might expect if you were to buy alcohol in a legal manner. You can’t use the drug on the street or in a public area. The best place for you to use the drug is in your home or in the home of someone else as long as you are not driving home while you’re under the influence.
Since there are dispensaries in the state, Bronx marijuana laws can be somewhat confusing to people who are charged with possession. If you are charged with marijuana possession, then the best option that you would have would be to contact an attorney who can represent you and present evidence about the amount of the drug that you had, where you were using the drug, and whether you had an intent to sell or deliver it to someone else. There are several provisions about marijuana possession that your attorney can discuss with you so that you’re prepared for the information that you’ll hear when you go to court, such as the amount of the fine that you might have to pay and whether you will be sentenced to probation or time in jail. In most situations, you will likely be sentenced to probation as long as you have a clean criminal background.

If you have up to 25 grams of marijuana in your possession, then you will usually be charged with a civil violation. This means that you will have to pay a fine but likely won’t spend any time at all in jail or even be placed on probation. Possession up to three ounces can result in up to three months in jail. You can also be ordered to pay a fine of up to $500. You could spend up to a year in jail if you are in possession of two to eight ounces of marijuana. Fines could be up to $1,000. As the amount of the marijuana that you possess increases, the length of time that you could spend in jail will increase as well along with the amount of the fine that you will have to pay.
If you’re charged with possession and sale, then your sentence will usually be longer even if you have the same amount as you would if you were only charged with possession. An example would be if you had two ounces of marijuana in your possession and were charged with intent to sell as well, then you could be sentenced to spend up to three months in jail. An attorney can offer assistance by presenting evidence about the supplies that you had with you at the time you were charged and if you purchased the marijuana at a dispensary or not.
Don’t deal with Bronx Marijuana Possession Lawyer alone. Speak to the Spodek Law Group today.
An arrest can throw you into utter confusion. That is what it is supposed to do. The prosecutorial system is designed to intimidate and humble you. The police who have handcuffed and thrown you into prison and the prosecutors who have decided to pursue a criminal case against you are concerned with only one thing: winning. Truth and justice never enters the picture; it the very last thing they are concerned with.
If you have been arrested and charged for marijuana possession, you should consider yourself under siege. You need relief, and that can only come from a legal mind that is equal in its competence, energy, and determination as that of the person prosecuting you.
The police may have raided a place in which there was marijuana. The fact that you were there doesn’t make the drugs yours. Police get most of their information and intelligence from snitches on the street and in prison. Your name may have been on the warrant they served. This is not an uncommon occurrence. The people that the authorities get their information from are paid. They must produce results, so they tend to give them as many names as they can think of.
One of the most perverse features of the prosecutorial system is that it takes quite shaky anecdotal evidence of wrongdoing and works to build a case from it. In the eyes of law enforcement, anyone who is associated, even by rumor and hearsay, with crime or criminality is guilty until proven innocent. And this of course is the exact opposite of the principle that governs our legal system.
It may be hard to remember this while you are sitting in a cage, but you are innocent until proven guilty. And you do not have to say anything that will incriminate yourself. The officers in charge of your case will sit you down and make all sorts of threats against you. They will say that the case is sewn up, that they have all the evidence they need to prove that you were in possession of marijuana. They will try to coax you into cooperating, which is their word for confessing to a crime you did not commit and had nothing to do with.
Instead of giving into their demands you should remain silent. You should also be comforted by the fact that you live in a country in which individuals in your position do not have to turn in evidence against themselves. Your Fifth Amendment right is inviolable. Saying nothing is the first step in preserving it. The second step involves getting a lawyer.
You should not retain any old lawyer. It is best to get a lawyer who is specialized in this particular area of criminal defense. You want a Bronx marijuana possession lawyer with extensive experience and expertise. You want someone on your side who has the competence and insight to take the fight to the people who are trying to lock you up and ruin your life for no other reason than you were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Drug possession is not something you want on your record. The thing is it is very hard to prove that any one individual is in possession of drugs unless the substance is found on their person. You should not take the word of the authorities at face value. Their claim to have a solid case against you may be baseless. In any case, hiring a criminal defense lawyer will give you more leverage to negotiate your release. A high quality lawyer will save you from an unfair conviction.