Can I be charged for false statements made by my spouse or child?
Can I be charged for false statements made by my spouse or child?
This is a tricky legal situation that many folks find themselves in. If your spouse or kid lied to the police or court, you may worry you could face charges too. Let’s break it down.
First off, you generally can’t be criminally charged just because your family member lied. The law recognizes that people aren’t responsible for others’ actions. But there are some exceptions.

If you actively helped plan or carry out your spouse or child’s lie, you could be charged with conspiracy, obstruction of justice, or being an accessory. For example, if you provided a fake alibi for your spouse who committed a crime, you’d likely face charges too.
You could also be charged if you knew about the lie but didn’t report it. This is called misprision of felony. Prosecutors rarely bring misprision charges though. Mostly it’s used as a plea bargain or stacked charge.
Another risk is perjury charges. Let’s say your spouse lied under oath but you backed up their story with false testimony too. You could both be charged with perjury or obstruction.
Some states also have “false personation” laws. If your spouse used your identity or pretended to be you, you could potentially be charged too. For example, if they signed legal documents or filed court papers in your name.
But in most cases, you can’t be criminally charged just because your family member lied to authorities. You have to be actively involved in the false statements in some way.
Other Legal Consequences
However, you may still face other legal consequences like:
- Losing custody or visitation rights if your spouse makes false abuse claims against you in a divorce or custody case. Judges don’t take kindly to lies under oath.
- Having a restraining order issued against you based on false allegations by your spouse or child. You’ll have to challenge it in court.
- Being sued for defamation if your spouse or child falsely accuses someone of a crime or misconduct. You could be liable even if you didn’t know about the false claim.
- Higher bail or denied bail if your spouse lies about your criminal history, employment, or community ties at your bail hearing. This could mean you stay locked up longer.
- Harsher sentencing if your child falsely minimizes your role in a crime you’re charged with. Judges may see you as unwilling to take responsibility.
- Loss of certain licenses or employment if your spouse makes false statements related to your job or licensed activity. For example, an abuse claim could cost you a security clearance.
So while you likely can’t be criminally charged solely because of lies by your spouse or child, their false statements can still create major legal headaches for you. It may lead to loss of rights, lengthy court battles, financial liability, or damage to your reputation.
Protecting Yourself
What can you do to protect yourself? Here are some tips:
- If you get wind of any lies by your spouse or child, seek legal counsel immediately. Don’t ignore it. An attorney may be able to intervene before things spiral.
- Refuse to corroborate or go along with any false narratives. Make it clear you won’t lie or cover for your family member.
- Report any serious false allegations, like abuse claims, to authorities right away. This shows you’re not complicit.
- Document evidence contradicting the lies, like cell phone records, receipts, texts, or witnesses. This can refute false claims.
- If your spouse falsely obtains credit or documents in your name, report identity theft to police and credit agencies. File fraud claims.
- In family court cases, point out and challenge any false statements by your spouse under oath. Refute lies with evidence.
- If you’re accused of a crime because of your spouse’s lies, don’t try to cover for them. Be 100% truthful with your lawyer and investigators.
- If you share assets or accounts with your spouse, separate your finances if they show signs of dishonesty. This limits potential liability.
- Seek a divorce or cut off contact with dishonest family members. Ongoing association leaves you vulnerable legally.
The bottom line – you can’t control what your spouse or child chooses to lie about. But you can control your own actions. Be truthful, don’t cover for lies, act quickly to challenge false allegations, and limit contact with deceitful family members. This gives you the best shot at avoiding legal troubles down the road.
I know it’s painful and confusing when those closest to you lie. But hang in there and protect yourself. With an attorney’s help, you can get through this difficult situation. There are always legal defenses and ways to refute harmful false claims against you. Don’t lose hope!