Child Pornography Defense Orlando FL Attorney
Defending Against Child Pornography Charges in Orlando, FL
If you or a loved one has been accused of possessing, distributing, or creating child pornography in Orlando, Florida – you need to contact our law firm immediately. Child pornography charges are extremely serious, and carry severe penalties if convicted. At Spodek Law Group, our Orlando child pornography defense attorneys have extensive experience defending clients against these charges. We understand the high stakes involved, and will fight aggressively to protect your rights and freedom.
The Severe Consequences of a Child Pornography Conviction
A conviction for any crime related to child pornography can have devastating, lifelong consequences. In addition to lengthy prison sentences, those convicted will be required to register as sex offenders. This can make it nearly impossible to find employment, housing, or live a normal life. Your reputation will be permanently tarnished.That’s why it’s absolutely critical to have a skilled defense team on your side from the very beginning. Our Orlando child porn lawyers will thoroughly investigate the charges against you, and build a strong, strategic defense. We’ll look for any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, and work tirelessly to get the charges reduced or dismissed entirely. Your future is on the line – don’t take chances with an inexperienced attorney.
Potential Defenses Against Child Pornography Charges

Every criminal case is unique, with its own set of facts and circumstances. A defense that may work well in one child pornography case might not be effective in another. That’s why our knowledgeable Orlando child porn defense lawyers will carefully examine all the evidence, to determine the best approach for your particular situation.Some potential defenses that may apply in a child pornography case include:
- Arguing the images are erotic, not pornographic: Under Florida law, there is a distinction between erotic images and pornographic ones. If the images in question are more erotic in nature, and don’t depict sexual acts, this could be a viable defense.
- Unwitting possession: If child pornography ends up on your computer without your knowledge, such as through an unsolicited email attachment, you may have an “unwitting possession” defense. However, you must take steps to delete the material immediately upon discovering it.
- Challenging the age of the individuals: In some cases, it may be possible to argue that the individuals in the images are actually adults, not minors. This is more likely to be a defense in production cases, rather than simple possession.
- Constitutional violations: If law enforcement violated your constitutional rights in obtaining evidence against you, such as through an illegal search, that evidence may be excluded from trial. This could significantly weaken the prosecution’s case.
An experienced Orlando child pornography defense attorney will know how to spot the issues in your case, and craft the most persuasive arguments on your behalf. At Spodek Law Group, we leave no stones unturned when it comes to defending our clients.
You Need an Aggressive Orlando Child Pornography Lawyer
Child pornography crimes invoke strong emotional responses from the public. If your case goes to trial, the jury will likely have a negative gut reaction to the charges, even though you’re supposed to be presumed innocent. Overcoming this inherent bias is a challenge that requires a tenacious, fearless defense lawyer.At Spodek Law Group, our battle-tested Orlando child porn attorneys know how to connect with jurors and present your side of the story in the most compelling light possible. We humanize our clients, highlighting the good qualities that tend to get lost when someone is accused of a terrible crime. Through sharp cross-examination, we’ll expose holes in the prosecution’s evidence, and plant the seeds of reasonable doubt.Rest assured, when you hire our firm, you’ll have a heavyweight in your corner, fighting for your rights at every turn. We understand that your liberty, your family, and your good name are at stake. We take that responsibility extremely seriously.
Contact Our Orlando Child Pornography Defense Attorneys Today
If you’ve been charged with a child pornography offense in Orlando, FL, time is of the essence. The sooner you contact a qualified defense lawyer, the better your chances of beating the charges and moving on with your life. Call the Spodek Law Group today at 212-300-5196 to schedule a free and confidential consultation. We’re here 24/7 to take your call and provide the aggressive advocacy you need during this difficult time.