Drinking Driver Program: DDP
The Drinking Driver Program (DDP) is mandated in New York State in order to reduce the incidence of disability, injury, and fatalities that often result from drug and alcohol related vehicle accidents. The DDP is also used to reduce the risk that an individual will engage in drunk driving in the future.
Individuals that participate in the DDP are given a comprehensive education regarding risk taking behaviors such as consuming alcohol or drugs before driving. The program also educates participants about how to change these high-risk behaviors. The program includes presentations and discussions that work to increase the motivation of participants to change their behavior and protect the lives of others. The program uses workbooks that are given to participants. Participants of the DDP will engage in both individual and group activities during the program. A preliminary screening is completed with each participant do identify their specific risk-factors including if they are currently at risk for substance abuse. Participants that are at risk for substance abuse are referred for clinical assessment and possible treatment if needed.
Participants of DDP are mandated to attend seven classroom sessions over the course of seven weeks. Each DDP session lasts approximately two to three hours, with the entire DDP course summing 16 hours total. When a participant completes the entirety of the DDP classroom sessions, their involvement in the DDP will end, unless they are referred for comprehensive clinical assessment and treatment.

DDP participants may receive a referral from the NY state court system for a substance abuse assessment. Referral for assessment may occur due to the following:
- receiving two or more drug or alcohol related driving convictions in 10 years
- the assessment results of a self inventory
- an arrest for a drug or alcohol related driving violation while part of the DDP
- written request from the DDP participant asking for help for a substance abuse problem
- attending DDP courses while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
If a participant of DDP is referred for an assessment, they must choose a healthcare provider that is approved by the Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS). If a participant of DDP is not satisfied with their assessment results, they are able to ask for a second assessment from the provider of the DDP course. The second assessment results must be accepted. After undergoing assessment, a participant may be mandated to complete a comprehensive substance abuse treatment program. If a participant of DDP fails to complete the mandated substance abuse program or undergo assessment, the participant will be dismissed from the DDP and their conditional driving license will be revoked. If a participant is mandated to complete a substance abuse treatment program, they must complete the program satisfactorily before they are able to receive a certificate of completion from the DDP.
After completing all of the necessary requirements of the DDP, the participant will be given a notice of completion. The notice of completion will also be given to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Dependent on the participant’s driving record and license status, their license might be restore or they may regain eligibility to apply for a new license. Eligibility for a new license will be affected by the following:
- Having two or more drug/alcohol related violations of driving on record
- Conditional license being under revocation
- Being under 21 when the drug or alcohol related driving offense occurred
- Refusal of drug or alcohol test on the day of the violation
- Committing the drug or alcohol related violation while operation of a commercial motor vehicle
Don’t deal with Drinking Driver Program: DDP alone. Speak to the Spodek Law Group today.
Drinking and driving is a crime taken very seriously in the state of New York. Not only are there monetary and criminal penalties, such as fines and jail time, but you might also have to foot the bill for something called the Drinking Driver Program (DDP). New York’s Drinking Driver Program is a program that the criminal offender themselves must pay to participate in. It’s as expensive as $300 but well worth it to offenders who can ill afford to lose their driving privileges.
Understanding DUI Laws in New York
When a person is convicted of a DUI, they’re going to suffer from several unpleasant consequences. And we agree that they should. Among the most inconvenient and potentially life altering consequences is that of a revoked or suspended license. With the DDP program, drivers are able to obtain a conditional license, and the condition is that they complete DDP. The conditional license will be issued by the DMV.
Understanding The Drinking Driver Program
DDP can take many forms depending on the area of New York that you live in. There’s no set standard for how they’re going to do things from one area to the next, so you might not have the same experience as other offenders. On the whole, the program is hosted in a classroom and lasts 7 seven weeks. There’s a host of things to learn about during your time in the DDP.
First, you’re going to understand how your drunk driving conviction affects your life and the life of others. You’ll go over social, medical, and legal consequences that were the result of this conviction. Your assessment will let the class counselors make certain recommendations that will assist you in getting even more help for any existing alcohol or drug problem. They can even refer you for a substance abuse screening that will let you know if you need more than just the DDP classes you’re required to take.
Your conditional license can be revoked if you fail to follow additional recommendations by the DDP counselors. This is for your benefit for for the benefit of those who were the victim of your crime. Remember that the golden rule is to do as the DDP counselors instruct you to do. Follow the instructions and you’re good to go. You’ll be able to have your conditional license and retain your driving privileges.
Once completed, you receive a Notice of Completion. This means you’ve done everything required of you to comply with the courts.
Your Life After Completion
Completion of DDP is a great relief to offenders. It means you can take the necessary steps to get your regular driver’s license back. However, if you license was suspended and not just revoked, there may be additional fees to pay to renew your license. There’s also a mandatory trip to the DMV office to get your license restored. They might have fees as well. The financial burden of a DUI conviction is often a tangled mess of fees, and that’s one reason why many people choose to fight a DUI charge. For legal reasons, the DMV is still not required to give you your license back automatically after this. So there may be some red tape that requires you to hire a lawyer for this matter. That’s where we enter the picture.
Calling on our attorneys for DDP issues
If you encounter any difficulties as you complete DDP courses and license restoration, we’re always here to take your toughest questions. Our DDP attorneys are former Manhattan prosecutors who know the legal system inside and out. As prosecutors, we know the many hurdles that people have to jump over as they complete these DUI programs and attempt to get a permanent license back in their hand. It can be a lot of stress to worry about and not everything goes smoothly. Additional court mandated counseling can also cause hardship for some of our clients, so we’re ready to fight for you if there’s a good reason you can’t complete some of the requirements asked of you.
A DUI charge takes a huge financial toll on you and the requirements for getting your license back can be time-consuming and frustrating. Don’t let the frustration interfere with your full recovery and journey back to being a licensed driver. We’re here to help 24 hours a day. If you want to have one of the best attorneys in the business by your side and need someone who can explain some of the rules to you, or just want a free consultation, give us a call at(212) 312-7129 or contact us online today. We’re standing by ready to take on all of your questions and get you back out there on the road, sober and wiser than before.