Las Vegas Federal Criminal Lawyers
Finding a Professional Federal Criminal Lawyer in Las Vegas
Federal charges are nothing to laugh at. You will be going up against the full weight of the federal government as you attempt to defend yourself. With your very future on the line, it is important to have the best possible federal criminal lawyer in Las Vegas that you can working on your case right from the outset. It is not enough to simply have a lawyer who understands the legal nature of the charges that have been filed against you. You also need an attorney who has actual experience inside the federal courts, and who has proven successful at either getting sentences reduced or discharged altogether.
The Difference Between Federal and State Criminal Law

If you have been charged with a federal crime, you will want a lawyer who specializes specifically in mounting a federal criminal defense. This is because you have been accused with violating some type of federal crime, which is vastly different than simply being charged with a Nevada state crime. The federal court system will usually bring stricter sentencing guidelines with their charges than Nevada state law will provide for. This is reason enough to ensure that you have a lawyer who understands the federal system and can work within it to make sure that you have the best possible defense from the outset.
The Process Involved With Begin Charged With A Federal Crime
You will quickly discover that there are many moving pieces involved in the process when you are charged with a federal crime. These can vary from crime to crime, which means that your lawyer needs to be skilled enough to move quickly along with the process. The first step in the process will inevitably be the complaint that is lodged against you. Once you receive this complaint, you will likely be issued with an arrest warrant. It is then that you will be arrested and formally charged with the federal crime.
A prosecutor will issue the complaint. This is a written and detailed list that outlines the allegations that are being made against you. It is important that your lawyer get involved at this point because now is the time to start mounting your defense. Once you are formally arrested, a hearing will be held to determine if bail pending trial should be granted. This hearing will usually be held within 72 hours of your arrest. Once again, it is imperative to have a federal criminal lawyer already working on your case in order to be prepared for this hearing.
Government Agencies Who Investigate Federal Crimes
There are not only one federal agency tasked with the responsibility of bringing federal charges against an individual. It depends on the nature of the charge as to which organization will likely be targeting you. The most common federal agencies that do have the power to bring federal charges against individuals include:
- The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
- The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
- The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Each agency will be responsible for investigation certain types of crimes. The FBI, for example, will focus more on the following types of crimes:
- Bank Fraud
- Fraud Involving Credit Cards
- Fraud Involving the Mail
- Rape
- Murder
- Cyber Crime
- Kidnapping
The DEA will tend to investigate federal crimes that revolve around drugs, while the ATF will look at crimes involving alcohol or firearms. If you are charged with a federal crime by one of these agencies, that means that your crime transcends state borders and laws. You will be tried exclusively in a federal court, and these guidelines are vastly different than what you will find in Nevada state court.
Make sure that you consult with a federal criminal lawyer as soon as you are aware that a complaint is about to be issued against you. You will want to get your defense started as soon as possible. A bail hearing is just the beginning of the process. You will need a competent attorney walking beside you through the entire federal court system.