New York LSD Frequently Asked Questions
An Arrest for Drug Possession and Distribution
An arrest for drug possession and distribution can be devastating. If you have done nothing wrong, the experience of being cuffed, taken to jail, and charged with a crime can throw you into a state of fury and indignation. You may feel tempted to scornfully dismiss the charge and the police. That would be a mistake. Being arrested for such a crime is a serious matter. Even if you are innocent of the charges, you are in a pretty bad situation and you must act accordingly.
You must contact a criminal defense lawyer with the utmost urgency. Lawyers from the Spodek Law Group can provide you with the help and assistance you need to clear your name.
The LSD Suppression Efforts of NYPD

The NYPD has capable anti-drug units. The latter are especially dedicated to the suppression of LSD. LSD, which is commonly known as acid, is a synthetic psychedelic drug. It is usually made available on small tabs of paper that are licked or swallowed. The effects of LSD are immediate and extreme. A “trip” lasts up to 12 hours and consists of hallucinations and impaired judgment that is quite wild and unpredictable. There are long-term effects of taking the drug. A person can experience flashbacks months after taking it.
Many people have died as a result of rash actions taken while under the influence of LSD. This is one of the many reasons why law enforcement has come down so heavy on it, and why the penalties for the possession and sale of LSD possession are so severe.
Being Near Doesn’t Mean Guilty
Indeed, you may have been at a house that was targeted by police and swept up along with everyone else when they came through the door. Being in the vicinity of where a crime was committed doesn’t make you guilty of anything. The state must prove its case against you. Your lawyer will compel them to produce the evidence they have linking you to LSD. If they are unable to do so, they will have to release you and drop the charges.
Understanding Your Rights During an Arrest
It is important that you say nothing to the police before your lawyer arrives. In the chaos and confusion of the arrest and your jailing, you may be tempted to give into their requests for cooperation. But cooperation is their term for getting you to waive your Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate yourself. You do not want to risk saying anything that can strengthen their case.
Possession and Sale of LSD Penalties
Here are some facts concerning the penalties for the sale and possession of LSD. If you are convicted of possession of a controlled substance, you can spend 1 year in prison. If the state is able to prove that you possessed large amounts of LSD, you can be put away for up to 25 years. The penalties are even severer for a distribution conviction. Even if the authorities only manage to prove that you sold LSD to people at a party or to a few friends, you can be locked up for 7 years. If you are connected to a larger distribution network, you can get up to 25 years in prison.
If in fact you were in possession of LSD, and you know the authorities can prove it, you should still retain legal counsel. You don’t want to face police and prosecutors without legal counsel. The lawyers from the Spodek Law Group can help negotiate a deal on your behalf. It may be the case that the police want a larger figure within the drug trade and believe you can help them. In this instance, your lawyer may be able to cut a deal that significantly reduces the severity of your sentence in exchange for your cooperation with the investigation.