New York Order of Protection Lawyer
Divorce and Order of Protection
Divorce can be a very stressful time in a person’s life, especially if there are children involved. There is also the issue of your personal safety. If you are contemplating a divorce due to violence or abuse of any type, you should contact a New York
order of protection lawyer as quickly as possible.
Our firm will provide you with the legal representation that you deserve. No one should have to put up with abuse. The law will not allow it, and the professional team at the Spodek Group will do everything to stop it in its tracks. We have over 50 years of combined experience in marital law, which include protection orders. We have successfully helped many spouses who feel unsafe in a marriage and feel that they need legal intervention.
Understanding Abuse

Many people believe that abuse only comes in the physical form. This is not the case. There is also mental and emotional abuse. If you feel that you or your children are targets of abuse, you should consider filing for an order of protection. In some cases, the order should be filed before the divorce.
In the state of New York, there are specific laws regarding filing orders of protection. If the facts and circumstances warrant the order, the judge will order intervention. If you have photos, medical paperwork, phone calls, texts or even witnesses to the abuse, the order will granted in most cases. Although these aren’t necessarily needed, it will help bolster the claim against the abusive spouse.
Seeking Legal Help
We will help you pursue your order of protection through family court, which is pursuant to New York law. In addition, we will also file a motion for protection at the commencement of the divorce. Any type of threatening conduct can be set forth to demonstrate the nature of the relationship. With our firm, we will walk you through the process and guarantee that the responding party fully understands the ramifications.
Our firm will stand by you at every court proceeding. We will be aggressive in administering the facts against the responding party. The evidence presented will be thorough, factual and used only to show evidence of abuse. We will ensure that the law will be upheld and if the offending spouse violates the order, they will face the full thrust of punishment from the court.
Reaching an Agreement
Thankfully, in most cases, both parties can reach an amicable agreement that is beneficial to all involved. The parties enter a mutual agreement which refrains them from contacting each other.
Get the Legal Help You Deserve
If you are considering a divorce and have been threatened or suffered abuse of any type, you should seek out the legal representation from the best New York criminal attorneys in the state. Our caring and compassionate attorneys will always keep your best legal interests at heart. Call us for a free consultation today at 888-981-9127. We will advise you on all aspects of order of protections and court proceedings in general. Time is of the essence. Call us now and get the help you deserve.