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NYC Assault on a Judge Lawyers

If you are charged with being violent toward another person, the charge typically includes at least assault. However, if the violent incident involves a New York judge in any court, the charges are even more serious because the New York Office of the District Attorney will be highly motivated to ensure that you are convicted and serve the most severe sentence possible. There are very high stakes that come with these charges because the case is undoubtedly high profile. No prosecutor will risk their career and status by being viewed as taking it easy on someone accused of injuring a judge to the point of causing seriously bodily harm.

Just because an assault involves a judge does not necessarily mean that you will be charged with assault on a judge under New York law. The injury that the judge sustains has to be so serious that he or she can no longer perform their official duties as a judge. The resulting injury must be so severe that the judge is impaired beyond just a bruise. This leads many prosecutors to paint the injury sustained by a judge as much more severe than it actually was. The prosecutor typically tries to convince the jury that the judge’s injuries were life-threatening when they were actually much less dangerous.

Assault on a judge is considered a Class C violent felony in New York, which means that you do not have the possibility of avoiding jail by serving probation only if convicted of this charge. There is very little leniency allowed in the sentencing of someone convicted of assault on a judge in New York. The maximum prison sentence in New York is 15 years. The length of your prison sentence will partly depend on your criminal history and whether you have ever assaulted anyone in the past. Repeat offenders tend to get the maximum prison sentence.

In addition to serving time behind bars, you will likely have to pay a fine up to $5,000. If you are released from prison with required supervision, you will be charged a monitoring fee of $30 per month. It can be difficult to find employment after serving time in prison, which is why it is even more important to fight to keep this conviction off your record if possible. Failure to pay your court ordered fines and restitution could result in you returning to prison for as long as one year with an additional misdemeanor conviction. If you are not a U.S. citizen, you could face immediate deportation. You could also lose custody of your children and be permanently banned from ever owning or carrying a gun again. The consequences of being convicted of assaulting a judge reach far beyond the length of the prison sentence you serve.

Schedule a Free Consultation with the Spodek Law Group Right Away

Do not hesitate to call the Spodek Law Group at 888-729-7065 to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney about your case. They will evaluate the charges against you and help you devise a course of action for resolving your case. The criminal defense lawyers at the Spodek Law Group represent a wide range of clients in New York and help fight serious criminal charges. Speak with an advocate you can trust today about how to work through your case and achieve the best outcome for you.

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