NYC Criminal Arraignment Lawyers
If you’ve been arrested for a crime, you’ll face an arraignment hearing shortly after your arrest, usually about 24 hours after the arrest has taken place. Whether you’ve been arrested for theft, DWI, domestic violence, or any other crime, you’ll quickly appear before a judge to establish the facts. Here’s how a criminal arraignment hearing works.
What Happens at a Criminal Arraignment Hearing?
An arraignment hearing is not like a trial; the defendant is not allowed to argue the facts of the case to the judge. Instead, the hearing is used to confirm the charges brought against the defendant, who will enter a plea. It is extremely important to attend an arraignment hearing. Failing to do so can result in a bench warrant being issued for the defendant’s arrest.
When the defendant enters their plea, the judge will then consider whether or not to release them without bail, or to set a bail amount. Bail is used to ensure that the defendant returns to court for trial. The judge will take into account the circumstances of the case, as well as the defendant’s personal circumstances, such as employment, family connections to the area, past criminal history, or any risks they might pose to the community if they are “bailed out”. In some instances, bail conditions might include surrendering a passport (if the defendant is deemed to be a flight risk), or having liens placed on significant assets. A criminal arraignment lawyer can help argue for a reduction in the amount of bail, or the dismissal of bail entirely.

The judge will also set a date for the defendant’s next court appearance during the arraignment hearing. It is vital that the defendant attends any and all court dates set to avoid forfeiting the bail amount and possibly facing further criminal charges.
Why You Need a Criminal Arraignment Lawyer
Even though arraignment hearings are often shortly after an arrest, it’s vital that legal counsel is sought as quickly as possible to ensure that the defendant’s team of NYC criminal arraignment lawyers can speak to them and get a full view of the possible charges and the situation in which the defendant finds themselves. Anyone who has been arrested should contact a lawyer straight away.
Getting legal help as soon as possible also ensures that the defendant can guard themselves against questions from the police or the district attorney. Even answering seemingly innocent questions could harm a defendant’s case if and when it does go to trial. A lawyer can help the defendant decide which questions to answer and which ones to avoid.
How the Spodek Law Group Can Help You
At the Spodek Law Group, our NYC criminal arraignment lawyers can help you navigate the complex and sometimes frightening court system. We have more than 40 years of experiencing in offering our services in New York City. We offer free consultations, and you can get in touch with us 24/7. Call us today at 888-908-3274 for more information about the legal services we can offer you.