NYC Fraudulent Misrepresentation Lawyers
A misrepresentation is a statement made that is not truthful. Misrepresentation can be in the form of words spoken or actions that lead someone to believe something other than the truth. Being accused of misrepresentation can be considered a criminal or a civil crime, and depending on the information that is being falsely stated, it could lead to some severe punishments for committing a serious crime. If the information being shared is about financial things, you can be accused of committing investment fraud.
If you are in the position of having recently committed fraudulent misrepresentation, there are lawyers available for you to help navigate the legal processes before you.
What Are The Different Misrepresentation Types?

Misrepresentation can occur in any industry and involve any subject or topic where false information is presented. Here are a few examples of misrepresentation:
1. Lying about a company’s financial status. This is often done by board members or executives who know the actual truth about a company’s financial status but instead want to trick the public (or whoever else is looking at their financial status) into thinking that it is different from reality. Sharing false information about finances is an example of fraud.
2. Not being truthful about gains or risks associated with a potential investment. Anytime you hold back a portion of the truth when dealing with money, you are committing fraud. If you make false promises about what will come out of a potential deal, you are not being truthful to the other side of the investment and you are setting them up for failure. This most commonly occurs in pyramid scheme situations, but it can happen any time business takes place.
3. Writing up false bank statements. While this might seem like something no one would ever attempt, it is important to note that it has happened and people do it all of the time. Financial advisors have been known to write up false bank statements to benefit themselves when it comes time to receive commissions on their work. They have also been known to mislead their clients on the status of their accounts and be guilty of embezzlement. Using false statements to try and lure in clientele is illegal and can end with someone in jail if you are not careful.
4. Lying about the value of securities. Many times investors will buy a large amount of stocks, try to make it sound like a better deal than it actually is, and then turn around and sell it for more than it is worth in order to line their own pockets. While this seems sneaky and evil in nature, it happens frequently in the world of investments and business.
Misrepresentation of information is very common when dealing with a large amount of money, but it can happen at any dollar amount when people are dishonest for selfish gain. The NYC Fraudulent Misrepresentation Lawyers are aware of every aspect of this crime and know how to put their knowledge to the test and help make it to the other side of these cases.
Fraudulent Misrepresentation Is Bad But Is It A Crime?
If you are innocently misrepresenting information then you are not going to be accused of committing a crime. After researching and studying the case, if they find out that you are aware of what you are doing and you are working as part of a bigger plan where fraud is present, you will be charged for committing a crime. If you are accused of fraudulent misrepresentation, there are steps you can take to defend yourself.
– 18 U.S. Code Section 1341 prohibits trying to commit fraud by using false promises.
– Any federal or state law that protects against embezzlement.
– 18 U.S. Code Section 1348 prohibits trying to commit fraud by using false misrepresentations in connection with securities.
Regardless of your exact situation, having a lawyer by your side will help you navigate the courthouse and help you to get the best case scenario for whatever you are involved in. While hiring a lawyer might cost money, it is worth it to help protect yourself and to have someone who knows exactly what you are dealing with to help you each step of the way.
If you try to handle this type of case on your own, it might not end well for you and you could be looking at a long sentence of time serving in prison. To avoid this punishment of prison time or other fines that will have to be collected, hire an NYC fraudulent misrepresentation lawyer to help you through and you will be thankful you did so. This type of case might not seem like such a big deal on the surface, but with all of the different variables and people affected by misrepresentation, justice will be served and you need to make sure you are not guilty of causing any sort of false statements that will hurt you in the end.