NYC Grand Larceny By Embezzlement and Value Lawyers
Considered a “white collar” crime, grand larceny involves stealing property from another person. The value of the property and how the crime was committed is what defines grand larceny. Grand larceny, as defined by New York law, is the stealing of property of another person intending to deprive that person of said property. New York Penal Law § 155.05 states “Embezzlement is a way of committing grand larceny.”
If the value of the property stolen exceeds $1,000 the act of theft or larceny becomes the more serious crime of grand larceny according to New York Penal Law § 155.30. Petit larceny is when the theft of property has a value of less than $1,000.
Contact a grand larceny by embezzlement and value lawyer in New York if you have been charged with grand larceny, embezzlement, or any other serious criminal charge such as computer fraud, robbery, credit card fraud, or burglary. They can guide you through the criminal process and explain your legal rights. If you have been accused of such a crime, contact immediately!

A grand larceny charge can range in severity from Class E felony to Class B felony depending on the type of property stolen, the value of the property, and whether it was embezzled or obtained in another manner. According to New York Penal Law § 155.30, theft of property with a value range of $1,000 to $2,999 is classified as grand larceny in the fourth degree. It is the least serious grand larceny charge. Grand larceny in the fourth degree is considered a Class E felony with a prison sentence of up to four years if convicted according to New York Penal Law § 70.00.
You could be charged with grand larceny in the third degree if you are accused of theft of property with a value of $3,000 to $49,999. Conviction of this Class D felony carries a prison sentence of up to seven years according to New York Penal Law § 155.35.
Theft of property with a value between $50,000 and $999,999 is grand larceny in the second degree, a Class C felony. You could be sentenced up to fifteen years in prison if convicted.
Grand larceny in the first degree is the most serious grand larceny offense. Theft of one million dollars or more is cause to be charged with grand larceny in the first degree according to New York Penal Law § 155.42. Grand larceny in the first degree carries the harshest sentence because of the high value of theft involved. You could be sentenced to twenty-five years in prison if convicted.
Grand larceny charges can be defended in many different ways. Since grand larceny is typically tied to the value of property taken, challenging that value is critical. It could change the charge against you as well as the sentence you face if convicted. If you have been charged with theft of jewels valued at $1,500 but the value appraised is $900, your charge would be reduced from grand larceny to petit larceny. Petit larceny is not a felony. Petit larceny is classified a Class A misdemeanor according to New York Penal Law§ 155.25. Conviction of petit larceny carries a sentence of up one year in prison versus a sentence of up to four years in prison for a conviction of grand larceny in the fourth degree. It is the prosecutors job to charge you with the most serious crime therefore they try to value property at the highest amount possible.
If you have been accused or charged with a serious crime involving grand larceny or embezzlement, or other any other theft crime, contact immediately! The staff at has years of experience and will fight for you.