NYC Drug Distribution Lawyers
Drug Distribution Charges in New York
If you are charged with drug distribution in New York, then you could be ordered to spend a significant length of time in jail as this is often one of the most serious drug crimes in the state.
Importance of Contacting an Experienced Attorney
After being charged, you should contact an experienced attorney who can handle your case, look at the evidence and the method of how the evidence was gathered by officers, and present the best defense in court.
Impacts of Drug Distribution Conviction

If convicted of the crime of drug distribution, then your life could be impacted in numerous ways. You could lose your job, your relationships with those you love could change, or you could be placed on supervision after spending time in jail or instead of being sentenced to jail. Supervision often means that the things you do each day are limited and that you would need to take random drug tests to show that you are not using drugs.
Role of the Attorney
If you consult with your attorney and present details about how drugs were found in your possession or if you have a solid alibi regarding the distribution charge, then your attorney could be able to reach a deal with the prosecution so that your charges are reduced or dropped altogether. It’s important to maintain contact with your attorney throughout your trial process so that you can supply any additional information that might be needed.
Illegal Drugs in New York
There are several drugs that are illegal to possess in New York and that can often result in a felony charge. These drugs include cocaine, heroin, prescription drugs, and meth.
In order to be charged and convicted of drug distribution, the prosecution must be able to show that you possessed drugs and had the intent to give or sell them to other people. One of the ways that your attorney can defend a drug distribution charge is by approaching the court and stating that you were not aware that drugs were in the vehicle you were operating or in the home you were in at the time officers arrived to search the property. If you can clearly show that you had no knowledge of the drugs being present, then you could be cleared of the charges and not have the charge on your criminal record at all.
Drug Charges and Penalties
If you’re charged with possession of a drug, especially one like marijuana, then it will usually be a misdemeanor instead of a felony. However, since distribution often means that you’re getting drugs out to other people, it’s a charge that’s often considered a felony. You could also be charged with a felony if you have a large number of drugs in your possession without the intent to distribute.
Charges could range from a class D felony to a class B felony with each having their own consequences. Some consequences could include years in jail if you are convicted in a court of law. As long as the prosecution has evidence of intent to distribute drugs, then you could be charged with the crime even if there isn’t clear evidence that drugs exchanged hands.
When you consult with your attorney about your charges, you’ll often be asked about the type of drugs that you were accused of distributing. This is an important detail as some drugs could result in a longer jail sentence than others. Another factor that the court will consider is the amount of drugs in your possession. Your attorney will look at how the officers found the drugs if there were any present and how the officer obtained evidence that you could have been distributing drugs as the process of recovering evidence has to be completed in a legal manner. The court will often take into consideration your criminal record before giving a sentence if you are convicted of the crime.
An attorney will understand the legal process of drug distribution charges and will be able to offer the best advice so that the best results are delivered in court. Sometimes, representing yourself in court might not be the best option if you are facing significant jail time as you might not be aware of the legal proceedings and how to negotiate plea deals in court. Your attorney can sometimes meet with the prosecution before you go in front of a judge to reach an agreement outside of court as well.
The laws in New York as well as federal laws state that drug manufacturing, trafficking, and/or the distribution of drugs is illegal. When an individual brings narcotics into the United States, which may include LSD, heroin, marijuana, or cocaine, they face harsh penalties that may include a life sentence in prison. The laws in New York and federal laws were established to pose the most severe penalties for individuals who attempt to import or intend to sell illegal drugs.
Although every drug charge is considered a serious offense, the consequences that an individual will face can vary based on numerous factors. Some of these factors may include the money the defendant was paid, the among of drugs that were sold, and the type of drug. In addition, prosecutors will also take into consideration instances when the defendant attempted to sell to a minor, which would lead to enhanced consequences.
While each state has its own specific laws set in place that deal with drug trafficking or drug distribution, most states have similar penalties for drug trafficking and distribution because it is a federal crime. An individual who is facing drug trafficking or drug distribution charges should seek guidance from a New York criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to start developing an effective defense.
Although prosectors are not as punishing with small time or first offenders, those with repeat offenses and those who were arrested for large quantities of a controlled substance can expect for a prosecutor to pursue the maximum penalties. Not only can an individual end up in prison, but there are are also financial consequences for those convicted of drug distribution and drug trafficking.
A skilled criminal defense attorney is vital because they are well-versed in drug trafficking and drug distribution laws. Many drug laws are based off the Fourth Amendment. This amendment also protects individuals in the United States from illegal search and seizure. This is a vital component to a drug trafficking and/or drug distribution case because if law enforcement officials do not properly adhere to all the procedures during a search and seizure, it can cause any evidence that was collected during the search to be deemed invalid and inadmissible. As a result, it could lead to a case dismissal. A criminal defense attorney understands how to recognize any mistakes that may have been made by law enforcement official and use it to help their clients.
Although most individuals feel that drug distribution refers only to transporting and selling drugs, the term can also encompass the manufacture of illegal narcotics. Moreover, possessing the smallest amount of illegal narcotics may result in a drug trafficking charge if the defendant is assigned to an aggressive prosecutor.
Those who are convicted of a serious drug charge could face prison time and have to pay costly fines. However, the repercussions of a drug charge conviction could follow an individual for the rest of his or her life. When an individual is released from prison after serving time for a drug trafficking charge, it is likely that they have difficulty finding employment, obtaining financial loans, and more. In most circumstances, employees and landlords will administer criminal background checks on all applicants. In addition, there are neighborhoods that have Home Owner Associations, which can have strict rules on who is allowed to live in the neighborhood.
As most types of illegal distribution of drug offenses are considered a felony crime, it doesn’t matter if the accused had marijuana or cocaine, it will still cause a black mark on his or her permanent record. Sadly, many individuals lives are destroyed due to a minor drug offense, but seeking the guidance from a skilled attorney can significantly increase the possibility of a successful outcome.
If you have been arrested and charged with the distribution or possession of an illegal narcotic, it is important not to speak with any law enforcement officials until a criminal defense attorney is present, which ensures that all of your rights are protected. A New York City criminal defense lawyer with experience handling drug distribution cases can review your situation and help you choose the best course of action. In addition, if you do have to attend court, a criminal attorney can help you navigate through the proceedings. A criminal defense attorney can also help his or her clients negotiate a plea offer with the prosecution, which can lead to less severe charges.