NYC Drug Manufacturing Lawyers
In New York’s state penal code, more than forty offenses are related to illegal drug crimes. Most of them refer to the criminalization of distribution and possession of marijuana and controlled substances. Several make the manufacturing of methamphetamine illegal. Methamphetamine is a very dangerous and addictive drug that can lead to convulsions and death in high doses. Oftentimes, methamphetamine will be manufactured in a home laboratory using items that have been purchased through local retailers.
Because the chemicals involved in methamphetamine manufacturing are so dangerous, law enforcement officials take the discovery of meth labs very seriously. If you’re arrested for drug manufacturing, you will probably be charged with crimes related to both drug possession and the sale of illegal drugs.
If you have had a drug manufacturing charge leveled against you, it’s important for you to get in contact with an experienced New York defense lawyer who can help you understand your options and provide the best defense for you.
Offenses for Methamphetamine Manufacturing

Seven criminal offenses refer to the manufacture of methamphetamines. Six of these make the possession of equipment and substances required to make methamphetamine illegal. Large amounts of these substances will result in a more serious criminal charge.
Second degree criminal possession of methamphetamine manufacturing material refers to you having a solvent, chemical reagent, or precursor that you intend to use for the manufacturing of methamphetamine. This is classified as a class A misdemeanor, the most serious class of misdemeanor. The possible penalty includes up to one year in jail. Precursors include salt of an isomer, isomer, salt, pseudoephedrine, and ephedrine.
First degree criminal possession of methamphetamine manufacturing material is, for all intents and purposes, the same as the previously mentioned crime. But you’ll only face this particular charge if you have a previous conviction of second degree possession of manufacturing material in the previous five years. This is considered a class E felony and carries a potential sentence of up to four years imprisoned.
criminal possession of precursors to methamphetamine is a charge that you will face if you possess precursors to methamphetamine in addition to a chemical reagent or solvent, and you intend to use these things for the manufacturing of methamphetamine. This charge is considered a class E felony, and the potential sentence is up to four years imprisoned.
Third degree manufacture of methamphetamine charges will be leveled against you if you possess the lab equipment and substances that can be used for the manufacturing of methamphetamine. This is considered a class D felony, and the potential sentence is up to seven years imprisoned.
Second degree manufacture of methamphetamine charges are the same as the previous charges, but they involve the activity being done around a child who is less than sixteen years old (provided you are five years or more older than the child). It will also be leveled against you if you commit the offense within five years of being convicted with another methamphetamine-related offense. This is a class C felony whose potential penalties include up to fifteen years imprisoned.
First degree manufacture of methamphetamine charges can be leveled against you in the following circumstances: You have been convicted of both third and second degree manufacture of methamphetamine, or you have a prior first degree methamphetamine manufacturing conviction within the past five years. This is a class B felony and can result in up to twenty-five years imprisoned.
Unlawful disposal of methamphetamine laboratory material refers to the unlawful of dangerous and hazardous materials from a laboratory. This is a class E felony that carries penalties of up to four years in prison.
Spodek Law Group is a group of experienced New York lawyers who can represent you if accused of any of these charges.