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NYC Grand Larceny Punishment Lawyers

New York Sentencing for Grand Larceny Convictions

Under New York law, grand larceny is considered a felony. This means that if you are convicted of grand larceny in New York, you could be facing up to 25 years behind bars. Grand larceny is more serious than regular theft because it involves more than $1,000 worth of stolen property. The stolen property does not have to be simply personal property. Grand larceny can also involve the theft of data and software by many different means. Some of the typical ways that prosecutors catch people in the act of grand larceny include fraud, embezzlement, tricky and taking. If you pickpocket from another person, you can be charged with grand larceny even if the dollar value is less than $1,000 of stolen property because the offense involves direct contact with the victim. There are some items, such as religious objects, that fall within the category of grand larceny despite not having a value of more than $1,000.

Within the category of grand larceny there are various degrees of offenses. They range from the fourth degree to first degree, and first degree grand larceny is the most serious charge. The severity of the offense depends on the value of the items stolen and the means by which they were stolen. People convicted of grand larceny in the fourth degree in New York, your sentence will likely be less severe than someone convicted of grand larceny in the first degree.

Another factor that the judge will take into account in levying a sentence for grand larceny is whether you have any criminal history on your record. People with cleaner backgrounds tend to get much lighter sentences than those who have already been convicted of crimes. If you have any criminal history, you should discuss these details with your attorney so that he or she can advise you on the likely range of outcomes for your case. This can assist you in deciding whether or not to take a plea deal if it is offered by the prosecutor assigned to your case. The absence of any criminal history may allow an attorney to negotiate for a lighter recommended sentence with the prosecutor. For first time offenders of grand larceny, it is possible to avoid prison by serving a five-year probation instead. Part of your sentence might include paying restitution for the amount of property you took.

Before you even get to the sentencing phase of a grand larceny charge, you should involve a lawyer as quickly as possible. It may be possible to challenge the evidence that the prosecutor has against you or enter into a plea deal that results in a much lighter sentence. It is important not to talk to the prosecutor or police without a lawyer present.

Consult a New York Grand Larceny Punishment Lawyer Today

The Spodek Law Group is who you want on your side if you are facing grand larceny charges in New York. Our attorneys have extensive experience in New York criminal law and stand ready to help you fight for your life. We understand the high stakes when it comes to fighting a criminal charge, and we are committed to working with you to get the best outcome for your case. Call our office today at 888-729-7065 to schedule a free initial consultation for your New York grand larceny case. Do not delay in seeking the legal help you need.

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