NYC Sex Crimes Lawyers
The NYPD is made up of hardworking, brave men and women who take on all sorts of crimes, including Prostitution and Escort Services. What they do is complicated, but they do it to keep the people safe.
In essence, the NYPD works for the people since every single New Yorker collectively pays a tax to employ their services, but just because they work for the people, doesn’t mean the people won’t have to deal with some unpleasantness. There are some individuals who don’t respect every law or are willing to bend the law from time to time. Sometimes, there is some ill-intent and sometimes there is not.
If you ever happen to be in trouble with the law, it is important that you do not incriminate yourself and that you know your rights. The following will help you understand how to go about protecting yourself using these rights.
NYC Sex Crimes Lawyers
Getting Arrested
Getting arrested is definitely a jarring experience. The weight of the law crashes on you in the blink of an eye. You aren’t sure what might happen next or if there is anything you can say to escape this arrest. What you want to do is relax, and avoid talking. You don’t want to talk yourself out of what is happening because without proper counsel, you’ll probably end up digging yourself deeper into trouble.
Ask for your attorney. Provide the officer with your name, date of birth, and other important personal information but nothing else. Do not share anything about the criminal act at this time.

Some folks are sometimes arrested by undercover agents or police officers. If you ever suspect that you are in the presence of a police officer who is undercover, keep in mind that an undercover police officer is not allowed to remove his or her underwear. This is a sign telling you that you might be dealing with a law officer.
Sometimes, these officers do go further, and if they do, it is important that you save as much evidence as possible from this violation. Remember tattoos, birthmarks, scars, or other features that prove that the law officer took things too far.
What About Lap Dances
It is important to point out what is okay and what isn’t okay regarding lap dances. This particular service is quite popular and common, so knowing the law can protect you. For the most part, lap dances are acceptable, but there are some limitations, like how the person giving the lap dance cannot rub the genitals excessively because that would be considered prostitution.
Furthermore, if the lap dance leads to anything else other than the dance or if it leads to exposure, then the law would consider that a violation and may want to press charges against those involved. It should be pointed out that there are some cases where the law decided that being paid for an autoerotic dance where you allow someone to touch your breast or buttocks is okay. Still, the judge will likely examine the case to make sure it wasn’t sexual misconduct, even it seems innocent enough.
What you have to recognize is that this kind of behavior is a little risky, which is part of the reason why one must exercise absolute attention to detail.
NYC Sex Crimes Lawyers: House of Prostitution
A house of prostitution is clearly an illegal house. If you are caught managing this type of establishment, then you are definitely going to be arrested. Now, the severity of the crime is going to depend on the prostitutes’ ages. Keep in mind that the crime’s severity rises if you were prostituting 19 year olds or younger. Do not think that not knowing the ages of the prostitutes is a defense because the law won’t see it that way.
About Patronizing
Unlike managing a house of prostitution, if you are merely patronizing a prostitute, then you can say that you did not know the prostitute’s age. If you can prove that you didn’t have any grounds for believing the prostitute was younger than the age presented to you, then you might have a defense. There are varying degrees of charges here, like the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd Degree.
The Search
One thing you must always remember is that you don’t have to allow the police officer to search your vehicle if you are arrested. Now, no one is saying you should forcefully stop the police officer from searching your vehicle, but if they do, then they are compromising their own investigation. Your lawyer is going to obtain a Mapp Hearing that is where the lawyer challenges the way items from your vehicle were obtained. In most cases, a warrant is required if anyone is going to be searching your vehicle.
Fighting Undercovers
If you are arrested by an undercover police officer, your lawyer may use the Wade Hearing in your favor. This is a hearing that challenges the validity of your identification.
Working the Talk
No matter how much you prepare, you might make the mistake of talking to the officer. If you do talk, then the lawyer is going to obtain the Huntley Hearing. This gives your attorney a chance to challenge what you said and deem it inadmissible.
It is important to note that the information here is not meant to be used to avoid prosecution. What you have here is information meant to help you learn how to behave so that you don’t get yourself into trouble. Your specific case has to be reviewed by a professional if you are in trouble.
Go ahead and give our NYC sex crimes lawyers a call, or visit our website so that you can learn more about how to proceed.
NYC Sex Crimes: Permitting Prostitution
Handling prostitution and other matters of sexual misconduct can be a tough topic to take control of. There are many escort services and prostitution rings which are illegally thriving throughout all of the world. This underground world of illicit sexual commerce is a premise for sexual crimes, and associations to such organizations or activities can lead innocent people in criminal positions.
In many countries, prostitution is a taxable career, and poses no threat to the public, securely controlled through government; prostitution runs unmonitored and uncontrolled in the United States and leaves victims on both ends without any means of acquiring justice or freedom from illegal sexual activities. Sexual services are not monitored or controlled through government in the United States; it is unlawful to permit or be apart of the act of prostitution under the United States Law, this includes being the owner of premises or vehicles which are known to be used for organized and paid sexual activities.
With the developments of the internet and its various purposes, prostitution and escort services are more accessible to those who are willing to participate in these illegal practices. The FBI and the United States Attorneys offices take prosecution of prostitution and other associated offenses very seriously, and many federal and law institutions are cracking down on the activities of illegally ran organizations that partake in criminal activities.
The Law on Prostitution
In many states offering sexual administrations or consenting to give sexual services in return to cash or other forms of payment is viewed as prostitution whether or not the services have been enacted and acted upon or not.
Have you ever seen those television shows where the officer pretends to be a “John” in search of the company and has the right to arrest the prostitute just because she agreed to services? The reason the police officer can arrest the prostitute in these situations is because of the agreement to the action of prostitution, which incriminates the one attempting to give service.
That is the reason those sting tasks you see on TV are effective. The servicing prostitute consents to give the administration the covert officer pays for the administration and afterward binds the prostitute to her word and arrests her without the administration of sexual favors.
Prostitution is illicit in all states aside from specific parts of Nevada.
Similar to places outside of the United States where prostitution is carefully controlled and regulated by the government, Nevada also strictly regulates escort and prostitute services, which contribute to their economy.
Some state resolutions rebuff the demonstration of prostitution, and other state laws condemn the manifestations of requesting prostitution, organizing prostitution, and utilizing a residency for prostitution.
Permitting Prostitution
Contingent on relevant state law, charges can apply at different phases of a sexual service “exchange.” Law requirement can start charges against the supplier of administrations of sexual acts, the client paying for the administrations of sexual services, and any broker required for “pimping” the prostitutes in the subject.
Those who permit prostitution on their premises or in their organizations, vehicle, or places of business are also guilty of engaging in prostitution activities. Charges made against individuals who house or accept prostitution activities within their property, and they are charged for not resolving or ceasing prostitution activities in or on their property when the property owner discovers such actions.
Permitting prostitution is an illegal offense throughout the United States of America, except for Nevada, as aforementioned (Prostitution is an economic contributor in Las Vegas).
The act of prostitution or escort services on your property isn’t a crime or offense in itself, unless you were provided prior knowledge, or have discovered such laws.
It is conceivable that your guiltiness may ascend to the degree of Promoting prostitution if your activities to attempt to cease such actions are not a more critical approach after discovering such activities. On the off chance that you or someone within your personal boundaries activities are culpable as Promoting prostitution, you may confront a crime which requires state law to jail offenders up to as long as 25 years.
Allowing prostitution is a class “B” offense deserving of as long as 90 days province or city prison.
Level of involvement
You can adhere to your conviction that violations related to prostitution are harmless offenses happening between consensual parties, yet in doing so, your barrier against conviction will fall flat. Dismissive demeanor will wreck your believability, and you will wind up on the wrong side of the law implementation fence, in jail.
Despite your degree of inclusion in a prostitution-related offense or the extent of the association you are asserted to be engaged with, not paying attention to the charges or holding an unpracticed lawyer can amplify your issues impressively. Without seeking legal assistance, any insinuation of being apart of the actions of prostitution can end badly for all parties involved with the accusation.
While every one of the violations straightforwardly identified with prostitution might be evident if you engaged with only a public or street-level offense, the more mind-boggling, advanced or included the association with prostitution, the more prominent the probability that the State Attorney General within your jurisdiction will charge different offenses or present similar wrongdoings to a Grand Jury.
A conviction for prostitution or requesting paid for sexual services can convey punishments from fines to jail time. However, it can likewise include a social disgrace that is difficult to desert. Realize that you’re guiltless until the administration demonstrates its case past a sensible uncertainty. There are guards accessible, and an accomplished criminal protection lawyer can ensure that you put your most grounded case advance or investigate any request deal choices available to you.