Queens Promoting Prostitution Lawyer
People getting charged with promoting prostitution and prostitution in general is a fairly common charge. You have three potential scenarios when someone gets charged with promoting prostitution, and you have three different degrees for the charge. If you get charged in the third degree, you have knowingly profited off of it, and you have an enterprise of two or more prostitutes. You could also be charged if you operated a travel agency that had the sole purpose of promoting prostitution. Finally, you could get a third-degree charge if you profit off a prostitute under the age of 19. You could spend up to seven years behind bars. The mandatory minimum is four years.
What is a Second Degree Promoting Prostitution Charge?
Let’s say that the courts charge you with second-degree promoting of prostitution. What could happen in this scenario? This happens if you have forced another individual to perform sexual acts related to prostitution using coercion or intimidation. Whenever you take advances or profits from another person doing prostitution, you could get this charge if you intimidated or coerced them into it. Finally, you could get charged with second-degree promoting of prostitution if you have made a profit from forcing someone to be a prostitute under the age of 16. You could face up to 15 years in the penitentiary, but you will have a mandatory serving of six years.

First-degree promoting of prostitution is the most serious charge, and under New York law, you have committed first-degree promoting of prostitution if you have profited off taking advances from someone forced into prostitution under the age of 11. New York courts don’t look kindly on this charge, and you could face 25 years, but you will have to serve a mandatory six years.
Facing Serious Charges? You Need a Lawyer
If you allegedly committed this crime, you should seek legal assistance without hesitation. These are serious charges, and you could be facing a lot of time behind bars if found guilty. Having an experienced attorney on your side who will defend your rights and negotiate on your behalf is one of the best things that you could do. While patronizing prostitutes could qualify as a misdemeanor under some circumstances, the promotion of prostitution comes with very serious consequences, and you must take it seriously or risk getting sentenced harshly later.
Much Depends on Severity of the Charge
A great deal will depend on the severity of the charge. Under New York law, the severity of the charge will depend on a few different factors. First, it depends on how many prostitutes were involved in the case. The more prostitutes who were working under the individual, the more serious charges that they could be facing. Second, it depends on if the individual used force or coercion against the prostitute. This could be viewed negatively by the courts if they found that the individual tried to force the person into prostitution. Finally, the severity of the crime will depend on the age of the prostitutes who were under you. If the New York courts see that you were promoting the prostitution of minors, you will most likely receive little mercy from the courts or the judge. You need sound legal advice that can defend your constitutional rights. Under the constitution of the United States of America, you are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Having a good attorney ensures that you can do whatever possible to fight these charges.
Speaking with an attorney as soon as possible is one of the most important steps. Don’t wait too long to get legal assistance. You want to have an attorney who can snap into legal action immediately. Here at our law office, we handle these cases with care, and we have a team of qualified attorneys who are prepared to assist you with your case. We can provide you with a free consultation, and we will give legal advice tailored to fit your individual needs. In New York, state law doesn’t focus on the individual who commits the sex acts, but it pays more attention to those responsible for organizing them, and these charges are more serious.
Don’t deal with Queens Promoting Prostitution Lawyer alone. Speak to the Spodek Law Group today.
Queens Promoting Prostitution Lawyer
In the state of New York, promoting prostitution is considered to be a crime. If you have been accused of this crime, it is important to take the allegations seriously. At the same time, it is important to remember that you are innocent until proven guilty. It will be up to the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were indeed actively promoting prostitution. As soon as you are accused of this crime, you will want to retain a Queens promoting prostitution lawyer as soon as possible in order to protect your legal rights. Continue reading to learn more about this crime and what a professional attorney can do for you.
What Is Promoting Prostitution?
To begin, it must be understood what the crime of promoting prostitution entails. Such an individual must be proven to profit from prostitution, even though he or she does not actually engage the services of the prostitute directly. This can involve receiving money in exchange for arranging the services of a prostitute. In such a situation, it would need to be shown that the accused received the money, and not the prostitute. This is a typical ‘middle man’ situation, if you will. The charge of promoting prostitution can also be levied at an individual who is suspected of soliciting a customer to use the services of a prostitute. Again, here it would need to be shown that the accused actually provided the prostitute to another individual in exchange for monetary gain.
There are other reasons that a charge of promoting prostitution is handed down. Another common factor is the accusation that an individual is the operator, owner, or manager of a business that was created for the sole purpose of providing prostitution oriented services. The most common example of this would be a modern day brothel. There are also cases where an individual might be suspected of inducing another individual to enter into a life of prostitution, and this can result in a charge of promoting prostitution as well.
Possible Penalties for Promoting Prostitution
If you are convicted of this crime, it can be classified of either a misdemeanor or felony. The distinguishing feature between the two typically revolves around the scope of the crime and the amount of money that was received as a result of the accused action. The punishment typically involves anywhere from one to twenty-five years in prison. It will depend on the severity of the charge that is levied against you. The prosecution will typically begin by looking at how many prostitutes were involved in the action. If you are accused of using any type of force or coercion against the prostitutes, that will be factored into the sentencing decision as well. The age of the prostitutes is also a consideration, with minors bringing the most trouble against you.
What A Lawyer Can Do For You
Promoting prostitution is a serious charge in the district of Queens. You do not want to leave your defense in the hands of just any lawyer, particularly a public defender. Your life is at stake here, as even a minor conviction of this charge can have negative consequences that will follow you around for the rest of your life. From the moment you are charged, you will want to consult with a professional Queens promoting prostitution lawyer. This individual will represent you at all of your court hearings, examine the evidence that the prostitution has against you, and decide how to mount your defense.
If you have been charged with promoting prostitution, contact our office today.