Romeo and Juliet Laws Arizona
Romeo and Juliet Laws in Arizona
In Arizona, the age of consent for sexual activity is 18 years old. This means any person 18 or older can legally consent to sex. However, Arizona does have Romeo and Juliet laws that provide close-in-age exemptions for certain consensual sexual relationships involving a minor.

Arizona’s Romeo and Juliet provisions offer some protections for adolescents who engage in consensual sexual activity. But the defenses have strict age criteria that must be met.
Background of Romeo and Juliet Laws
Romeo and Juliet laws are named after Shakespeare’s tragic young lovers. They provide legal defenses that can be used by defendants charged with statutory rape for having consensual sex with a minor.
The intent is to avoid criminalizing consensual relationships between teens close in age who willingly have sex. Romeo and Juliet laws recognize that adolescents often experiment sexually even if below the legal age of consent.
Arizona has Romeo and Juliet provisions, but they are limited compared to many other states.
Arizona’s Romeo and Juliet Provisions
Arizona has one law that provides a defense for certain consensual underage sex:
- Sexual conduct with a minor – Applies if the victim is age 15, 16 or 17 and the defendant is under 19 years old or attending high school and is no more than 24 months older than the victim.
So the defense applies only within restricted age ranges. There are no Romeo and Juliet protections in Arizona for sexual activity below age 15.
Strict Limits of Arizona’s Law
Arizona’s Romeo and Juliet law has strict limits compared to many states. Key restrictions include:
- No defenses for victims under 15 years old
- 24 month maximum age gap if victim 15-17
- Defendant max age of 19, or 24 if still in high school
- Parents can still pursue charges
Overall, Arizona offers relatively weak Romeo and Juliet protections compared to most other states.
Debate Over Romeo and Juliet Laws
There are good arguments on both sides of Romeo and Juliet laws:
Supporters argue:
- Avoid unfair punishment for teen relationships
- Acknowledge reality that minors often have sex
- Allow flexibility for borderline cases
Critics argue:
- Arbitrary exceptions to clear age of consent
- Still allow older teens to exploit younger ones
- Difficult to determine if consent is voluntary
This complex issue involves weighing safety concerns against fairness. Reasonable people can disagree on where to draw the line.
Comparison to Neighboring States
Arizona’s Romeo and Juliet law offers less flexibility than some nearby states. For example:
- California – No minimum age if 3 year age gap
- Nevada – No minimum age if minor is 16-17
- New Mexico – 4 year gap allowed for 13-16 year olds
So Arizona’s close-in-age exemption is relatively limited regionally.
Practical Effects
In practice, Arizona’s Romeo and Juliet law gives prosecutors some discretion over charges for underage consensual relationships. For example:
- A 14-year-old with a 16-year-old could still face charges
- A 16-year-old with an 18-year-old may avoid charges
- A 17-year-old with a 21-year-old could still be charged
But prosecutors can consider the specific circumstances when deciding whether to prosecute.
Public Policy Considerations
Some argue Arizona should expand its Romeo and Juliet law to better reflect social norms and avoid disproportionate penalties. Areas to consider include:
- Extending protections below age 15
- Broadening permitted age gaps
- Applying defense more uniformly based on age gap
But there are also good reasons for keeping stricter statutory rape laws to protect young minors from exploitation. Lawmakers must weigh these factors.
Arizona does provide a limited Romeo and Juliet defense for some consensual underage sexual activity. But its law offers less flexibility than many other states.
Anyone considering a sexual relationship with a minor in Arizona needs to be aware of the strict age of consent laws and limited protections. Consult an attorney to understand the risks.
There are thoughtful arguments on both sides of debates around statutory rape laws and consent. Arizona has taken a restrictive stance, but reasonable people can disagree on the right policy balance.
[1] Arizona Revised Statutes Title 13. Criminal Code §13-1401
[2] Arizona Statutory Rape Laws
[3] Arizona Age of Consent & Statutory Rape Laws