Suing a clothing manufacturer
It’s tough to imagine, but faulty clothing can cause serious injuries, and even possible death to kids. Most defective clothing cases are connected to one of two problems, either the clothing was manufactured in a means which can lead to the injury, or it’s made of material that could catch fire and burn.
There are many government and nongovernment child safety groups that are aware of dangers associated with faulty clothing. There are lots of injuries each year caused by defective clothing. Manufacturers can be held responsible for damages caused by faulty children’s clothing. Learn more, here:
Under government acts, mandatory standards have been created for the flammability of clothing, plastic film used in clothing, carpets, rugs, children’s sleepwear, and more. In 2004, there were 129 wrongful death fatalities from clothing fires. In addition, almost 4000 non-fatal injuries were treated in hospital emergency rooms from 2003-2005. 25% were severe enough to require hospital admission. It’s practically impossible for each piece of clothing in the USA to be inspected, though there are numerous instances of clothing being recalled by the government.

Another big issue is that clothing may lead to strangulation. Many kids like to wear hooded sweatshirts. Recently a child was strangled to death when the his hoodie got caught on top of a playground slide. Since 1985 there have been 17 kid deaths and 42 non serious injuries. Recent US clothing standards prohibit the use of drawstrings in children’s clothing. Many foreign clothing manufacturers continue to create and import garments with dangerous drawstrings in sweatshirts and pants even though they are in danger of facing civil penalties. By way of instance, 300000 units were fabricated by Hill Sportswear Inc and recalled. Many retail outlets have registered to report sales of these products. Following the omission was discovered, they were made to cover a severe fine.
If you feel a clothes maker harmed either you, or your kid, then we invite you to talk to us. Our team of lawyers can help you get justice and make sure that the manufacturer is held liable. When suing domestic USA makers, it is much easier to get compensation. Since the manufacturer is in the USA it’s possible to sue them at a local court, and go after the assets of the company. If the owners of this company acted fraudulent and knew about the defect, then you can pursue civil charges against the owner of the business also.
If you a feel a foreign clothing manufacturer is liable for the damages caused to you, then it is likely to go after them and other folks who sold their products. According to US law, it is possible to go after everyone in the supply chain, that means those who were selling the clothing, like retailers, in addition to the manufacturers themselves. It is possible to hire a lawyer internationally who will sue the manufacturer in their own country. You might have grounds to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor, and much more, depending on the type of product in question. Product liability claims can also be brought for a manufacturer’s failure to warn of potential risks, in addition to failing to correctly manufacturer the product. In some cases, product liability lawsuits can be filed alone, or as part of a class action if the product injured a high number of people. Filing a joint class action can be appropriate when the damages each plaintiff got would be minimal.
Any number of individuals can be held liable for a defective product injury. By way of example, an injured consumer can get compensation from one or more liable parties. For example, the clothing manufacturer can be held accountable, the merchant who sold the item can be held liable, in addition to the wholesaler who acted as a middleman between the manufacturer and retailer.