What is a Class D Felony?
State and federal governments are enforce laws. When someone is found in violation of laws, they will face legal consequences. In general, there are two types of legal violations. A person may be accused of a misdemeanor violation for actions such as littering. In that case, community service and payment of a fine will typically take care of the problem and let the person move on with their life. Felonies are the second class of legal violations. In general, these are considered far more serious violations. A felony is usually divided into varied classes from class A (the most serious) to class E (lesser violations).
The Class D Violation
Class D felonies are differentiated from other types of felonies. Felonies such as class A felonies are the most serious and include crimes such as murder in the first degree. They carry strict penalties that may include penalties up to and including life in prison or the death penalty. In contrast, the class D felony is the kind of legal violation that does not involve any form of harm to another person. These are what are known as victimless crimes.

A class D felony can vary depending on the state or jurisdiction. People may be accused of a class D felony if they stolen things of great value from a store or had on their possession a large quantity of drugs and intended to sell them. They can also be accused of this kind of felony for drunk driving, arson, written a check for an amount not covered by their bank account or stalking someone. In short, these are crimes that do not hurt someone else but are considered more serious than jaywalking.
While these felonies are not seen as more serious, they can still carry potential troublesome penalties for the accused. All those who are facing this issue in their lives should understand how they might be impacted should they be found guilty of a class D felony. Unlike most misdemeanor convictions, a class D conviction can truly, seriously impact all areas of the person’s life.
The person who has been convicted of such a crime may be sentenced to up to a year in a local jail. They may be required to pay not only court costs but also additional fines for the amount of any goods they have stolen. For example, if someone is convicted of stealing money from a business partner, the law may require them to pay that amount back as well as any interest on top of the initial stolen funds. People who have been convicted of these crimes may also be required to engage in community service such as cleaning up the trash along the highway for many weekends, thus making it hard for them to take a vacation or spent time with loved ones after work. The felon may also be asked to submit to drug testing. If they have been found guilty of driving under the influence, they may face the suspension of their driver’s license.
Other Issues
Anyone with a conviction of this type on their record will have it for the rest of their lives unless expunged. Someone who has been convicted of a class D felony can see all sorts of negative impacts on their lives. They can be denied access to certain jobs, forced to change any existing childcare arrangements and find themselves without the ability to apply for food stamps or housing assistance. In addition, if someone holds a professional license such as nursing license, a conviction of this type can mean that license is revoked for a period of time or even for the rest of their lives. A person can also be turned down for a student loan if they have this kind of conviction on their record.
An effective lawyer is a must in such cases. They can craft a defense against these charges. They can argue the person did not intend to make this mistake or did so by accident rather than out of malice. The lawyer can also argue the person had permission to do what they are accused of doing and therefore did not break the law.